by mrsgeno | Jul 14, 2019 | Blog, Jordyn, Molly Isagurl, The Kids, Travel
Video created by Molly Isagurl. Follow her YouTube channel here.
by mrsgeno | Aug 27, 2018 | Alexa, Blog, Emma-Sophia, Haley B, Hannah, Hayden @haydnalxndr, Jordyn, Marcus @HeyMookey, Mary-Grace, Mrs Geno, Nyk, Our Grandchildren, Sean Geno, The Kids, Travel
The Summer of 2018 went by way too quickly. Join us as we highlight some of most fun trips to Wichita, Kansas to see our children and grandchildren.
by mrsgeno | Jun 18, 2017 | Alexa, Blog, Emma-Sophia, Hannah, Jordyn, Mary-Grace, The Kids, Travel
The Girls Annual Summer Visit 2017 Every summer the three youngest girls visit their older sisters in their home states for a few weeks. Alexa in Stillwater, Oklahoma, Jordyn in Wichita, Kansas. This year we even added a special stay with their older brother, Nyk in...
by mrsgeno | Oct 30, 2016 | Blog, Our Grandchildren, The Kids, Travel
Summertime Trip to Kansas and Oklahoma This summer the three youngest girls went to visit their older sisters, Alexa and Jordyn. Photo credit: Andy O. White Video by Molly Isagurl
by mrsgeno | May 23, 2016 | Blog, Emma-Sophia, The Kids, Travel
Summertime in Minnesota is absolutely amazing. The summer days are bright and sunny. The temps normally range from the 70’s to 80’s and most of the time, there is virtually no wind. It’s one of the things I love most about it. Summers do seem...