Willy’s Vacation
He drove a total of 2,444 miles on his vacation to visit his family and all the way from Washington State. We were so excited to see Shane, also known as ‘Willy Boy’. We hadn’t seen Shane for almost thirteen years.
Shane’s first stop was in Woodbury, Minnesota to visit the North Genoskys’. Jason even flew up to Minneapolis to join the escapades too. Why? because there was lots of beer involved. Yes, and lots of it.
The boys drank a lot of beer at all the breweries they visited, which included 612 Brew, LiftBridge Brewery, Surley Brewing Co., Herkimer Pub & Brewery, Indeed Brewing, and Maple Island Brewing. They ate tons of food and shopped for meat and cheese at some of the best local markets in the Twin Cities.
{{NEW VIDEO}} They drank a lot of beer while Willy was on vacation @surlybrewing @LiftBridge @612Brew @indeedbrewing @mapleislandbrew https://t.co/Xzlc3111IP #genoproject #beer #BeerFriday #CraftBeer pic.twitter.com/MARfnTnIli
— The Geno Project (@genoproject) September 21, 2018
We thoroughly enjoyed his three days stay with us. We hope you enjoy this video created by the talented Molly Isagurl. << Follow her YouTube Channel here >>