Prairie Pines Christmas Tree Farm
has long been a holiday tradition of the Genosky family. Sean and I took the older kids to the Christmas Tree Farm and cut down our christmas family tree together when we lived in Wichita, Kansas. It was always quite the experience; bundling the kids up making sure they were warm and heading out on our adventure. Rarely it snowed making the journey a little more pleasant, but there were a few occasions where got the full experience with snow and all. The kids enjoyed riding the tractor and helping us find the perfect tree.
After we picked out the christmas tree, we would watch out tree get shaken by one of the attendants and netted for the trip home. We would then go inside to warm up with some hot chocolate or warm apple cider. The kids would love to grab a snack, usually they had cookies upon entering the barn. The beautiful rustic barn was always decorated so magical with twinkling lights, tons of christmas cheer and the wonderful smell of fresh pine. They also had Christmas music playing. Pictures were also taken by their fireplace mantle decorated so beautifully.
It’s hard to believe twenty years has flown by so quickly. I cherish the special memories we created with our children. -@mrsgeno
On the way out to exit the barn, Santa sat so jolly in his sleigh waiting to pass out candy canes. It was always so much fun to see the kids sit with Santa Claus and whisper in his ear what they wanted for Christmas.
This year Nyk and Jordyn took their children, Giana, Julian, Quincy and Rowan to Prairie Pines and to visit Santa. When I started this post, I realized that it is twenty years later when most of these photos were taken. The kids still remember how magical it was and are continuing the Genosky holiday tradition with their children; our grandchildren. It’s hard to believe twenty years has flown by so quickly. I cherish the each and every special memory we created with our children.
Holiday Memories at Prairie Pines in Wichita, Kansas.
Video created by A Molly Production