The Chandelier Tree

by | Aug 15, 2015 | Blog, Marcus @HeyMookey, The Kids | 0 comments

Where I grew up in Kansas, the neighborhood played a huge part in your childhood. I am so grateful to have countless memories of block parties, whole streets elaborately decorated for Halloween and Christmas, families on evening summer walks with their kids in wagons and strollers, or riding bikes through the flooded gutters in the Spring with my siblings. All of these beautiful moments of my childhood are painted in my neighborhood always as the backdrop.

Now as an adult I am always inspired when I see a neighborhood like Silver Lake take the effort to do something special for no reason. The Chandelier Tree doesn’t have an unbelievable, fantastic story. It was just an artist and some supportive neighbors who wanted to create something beautiful. And what they ended up making was a perfect spot for making memories.

If you would like to visit the Chandelier Tree, here is some information:

The Chandelier Tree
Artist Adam Tenenbaum
2811 W Silverlake Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90039

If you visit please show your support with a small donation to the box near the tree!

WeLikeLA story on The Chandelier Tree here:…

Music: Ritual, Lisa Hannagan – Josephine

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