You are the best part of me.
Today Hayden Alexander turns nineteen. I was beyond ecstatic the day I gave birth to him. It’s one of the biggest joys in my life; all nine pounds of him. Sean and I were so excited to add another boy to the family. When his older siblings came to the hospital to see him for the first time, they were in awe of this cute little baby boy to call their brother. We all collectively ended up nicknaming him Bubba.
Talent runs in the family.
It seems like yesterday when he was so little, chubby and cuddly. I could fix his broken toys, kiss his boo-boos and make it all go away. As we watch our children grow up and become young adults, watching them deal with real life issues can be somewhat difficult and broken hearts aren’t so easy to mend.
We have to let them make choices and go in the direction they feel their hearts are lead too.
Happy Birthday, Hayden.
Hayden, you are such a talented artist, whether it’s making music, painting or drawing; you always put your whole heart into it. I admire you for that. You live for skateboarding and I truly believe it’s one of your greatest gifts and talents that God has given you.
My dream for you Hayden is to never give up on your dreams. Don’t listen to the voices in your head that tell you, you aren’t good enough. You are!! You can do anything you put your mind and body too.
Girls will come and go, your broken heart will mend. Time heals all wounds. Wake up every day with knowing your father and I support you in whatever you want to do. Make goals for yourself and you will achieve them. Don’t ever, ever let anyone tell you – what you can’t do. The sky’s the limit, son.